Everything you need to know about Google’s Mobile-First Indexing

Mobile-first indexing revolves around practices in which Google preferably opts for a mobile version of the content for indexing and ranking purposes.

In this, the mobile version of a site turns out to be the starting point of what Google will add to their index, and hence it becomes the baseline for determining the rankings. As per a study-

3 out of every 5 searches occur on mobile.

Hence, mobile is now outpacing desktop as the number one method of searching. That is why Mobile-First Indexing has become extremely crucial nowadays.

So, if you are also befuddled in understanding the Mobile-first indexing concept then this post will unravel the mystery for you. Without any further ado, let us get started-


Table of Contents

Google devised mobile-first indexing in 2016. Since that time, Google has curated more information in mobile-first indexing. The internet is booming with information about the mobile-first indexing process.

Mobile-first indexing is a confusing concept for those who are not from the concerned industry. But the whole process of mobile-first indexing is known to all members of the respective industry with the help of Google.

It is widely known to all experts in SEO. The mobile-first indexing SEO is well included in the digital marketing course to give all users concrete knowledge about it.

Mobile-first indexing is developed by Google to give all its users more mobile-friendly interfaces. So, they can easily work on the interfaces. Lately, this process of mobile indexing is getting famous withSEO expertsat a substantial rate.

Many digital marketing courses have included the mobile-first indexing in their curriculum for a better picture of it. Let us dive deeper into it-

是什么Mobile-First Indexing?

Since its inception in the world, mobile-first indexing is a confusing term for most people. With the inclusion of digital marketing courses, the first indexing on mobile is gaining more popularity.

In simple words, mobile-first indexing is the mobile version of any website page from the Google search engine. The indexing should be on Google, and the version of the mobile should stand flawless. It is a simple term, yet confused by many. The page should be included in the Google indexing page.

Without this, the mobile-first indexing SEO process is incomplete.

It is called mobile-first indexing because it supports the mobile version of the page. This doesn’t mean that the page will not open on the desktop or some other devices. Please note that it is mobile-first indexing and not mobile-only indexing. So, don’t confuse between the two.

Without a mobile-friendly version of the page, will drastically affect the page’s optimization process.

It is seen that the mobile-friendly interface of websites is more approachable than any other version. The lack of mobile-friendly interfaces makes the websites negative for approach.

Hence, first indexing on mobile for SEO is important. Further, it boosts the ranking of the page also in a good way. Today, most websites are launched in the mobile-first indexing interfaces to get more good ranks in the SEO process.

How to do Mobile-First Indexing

的re is nothing to worry about the mobile-first indexing SEO thing.

It was launched in the world with small developments. But today, it has grown to its fullest. There are some attributes to mobile-first indexing that are considered with the testing of your website pages.

的re are some tests that you have to carry on to check your page’s mobile-friendliness.

According to Google, if your website is responsive enough and similar to desktop versions, then you don’t have to do anything for the ranking process. Google itself recognizes the rank of your website and assumes that you are happy with the rankings.

To check thewebsite’s responsiveness, you have to access it on the grounds of page speed, loading time, etc. Some dynamic elements are also known at this time, where the person can check all realms of the websites for proper first indexing on mobile.

Following things are checked with the process of mobile-first indexing SEO :

1) Content

Content is the most important element of an SEO optimized page. It drives the attention of viewers towards your page in an effective way.

Make sure you have the bestquality contenton the page to make it happen. There should be valuable content on the page for all readers. The formats of mobile versions should be crawlable enough to make it roam on the web.

此外,内容应该是可转位。的first indexing on mobile for the SEO process is based on the content of the page significantly.

2) Structure of data

Data is the form of information that is included in the website for proper ranking.

Make sure your page should have a perfect structure of data that is recognizable to all. Both the versions of the page should have structured data in the form of URLs and codes.

Don’t add unnecessary data to your page. It may have a bad impact on the ranking process.

3) Metadata

A Meta description is an important part of any website.

If you want a great ranking, then create a great Meta description. It should be created under the pages’ title to all versions of a page: desktop and mobile versions.

Make the Meta description more informative than creative.

4) Social metadata

的metadata can also include social Meta tags that link to the social accounts of the page.

的social tags are included in both the versions of the pages: desktop and mobile versions. Check this to ensure your first indexing on the mobile process.

5) XML and sitemaps

XML codes are present in the website pages for making it more realistic.

Check the XML codes and other sitemaps for better accessibility of the page in the mobile version.

的se attributes are potential robot directives that drive your page to first indexing on mobile. It deviates signals and links to privacy for the websites.

6) App indexation

Indexing of a particular website is important here.

After verifying your desktop site in the Google search console, the next step is to further index your application.

Get a verified mobile version of your application from le and use it.

7) Server capacity

Do check the server capacity to make your first indexing on mobile good.

Check for the crawl rate of your website while checking the first indexing on mobile for SEO of the page.

Mobile-first indexing is applied to all new Websites

If your website launches in 2020, you don’t have to try anything special for the mobile-first indexingSEO process. It is all done for you by default by Google.

的company has made this process more smoothly for all new websites coming on the web. The latest announcement of Google has made this norm that helps the websites for proper first indexing on mobile.

Google has enforced this norm to make more mobile-friendly interfaces for users. The crawling rates of these websites are also high, which makes it good for the websites.

19 Google best practices for Mobile-First Indexing

Google has devised a list of best practices for mobile-first indexing. It is done to ensure the best experience for users in this regard. The following are the best practices for first-indexing on mobile:

  1. 确保that Google can see your loaded content
  2. Make your resources crawl on the web
  3. You are making sure your loaded ads don’t bring bad effects to your websites
  4. Include high-quality images in your websites
  5. Use a supported format for images and videos
  6. Always follow Google recommendations
  7. Consider switching to the responsive website
  8. Ensure your site offers the same experience on mobile and desktop
  9. 确保that Google’s spiders can access and render your mobile website
  10. Always put the same metadata on both versions of your site
  11. Ensure that the mobile site has the same alt text for images as the desktop site
  12. Never use URLs that change every time the page loads for your videos
  13. Try to place the video in an easy to find position on the page when viewed on a mobile device
  14. Ensure that the error page status is the same on both the desktop and mobile sites
  15. Need to ensure that your mobile version doesn’t have fragment URLs
  16. 确保that the desktop versions that serve different contents have equivalent mobile versions
  17. Need to verify both versions of your site in Search Console
  18. Opt for the same meta robots tags on the mobile and desktop site
  19. Try to use the same clear and meaningful headings

Final Thoughts about Mobile-First Indexing!

Mobile-first indexing is gaining popularity in the online marketing world where people engage in more these types of practices.

Google has devised mobile-first indexing that has created a good impact on the internet and websites. Now, the new websites are making more mobile-first indexing SEO pages to gain their great rankings.

How important do you consider mobile-first-indexing for SEO optimized online presence? Share with us in the comment section below.

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