Pritesh Shrivastava

(India - Data Scientist - Ex-Flipkart )
India - Data Scientist

Pritesh Shrivastava

India - Data Scientist



Current Organization:

Data Scientist
India - Data Scientist

About the Trainer

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Pritesh is a Data Science enthusiast with an ability to turn data into actionable insights and meaningful stories. He possesses solid knowledge and hands-on experience of both quantitative and qualitative analysis and data mining.

He is proficient in Python, Teradata SQL, deep learning, web automation and ETL tools. He also has exposure towards applied machine learning and enjoys working with data, creating models, predictions and finding insights. And loves playing with data using Python, Statistics, SQL, Data mining, Predictive Modeling, ML, Forecasting, Time-series and Deep Learning.

Apart from his profession, he also procures passion and talent in Dramatics, Travel, Story-telling, Martial Artist
