Jeet Shah

(Trainer & Solopreneur )
Trainer & Solopreneur

Jeet Shah

Trainer & Solopreneur


Trainer & Solopreneur

About the Trainer

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Simplifying the complex is his mantra. The sole focus of all the training he conducts is to convert complex concepts into common sense. In the past decade, he has trained people in different levels of experience. On one hand, it includes one-on-one training for owners, CEOs, founders & directors. On the other hand, corporate training, designed to make organizations more efficient & productive.
Apart from training, organizations also consult him for data-related systems. He has built many systems from scratch. These systems range from inventory management, project management, dashboards & various types of trackers. Many of these systems live in Google Sheets or Excel.
Like data, design is also close to his heart. This led to a lot of data-driven design like catalogues & CMS websites.
Each of these systems drive business strategy, which over time has led him to advise organizations on.
